

qiaoqingyi 2023-09-17 103

用英语介绍一个美食如下Jiaozichinese Dumpling is a traditional chinese food ,which is essention during holidays in nor thern chinaChinese dumpling becomes one of the most widely love food in chinaChinese。

用英语描写自己家的厨房My kitchen is the smallest space at home, only 8 square meters, but it is by no means smaller or even larger than the master bedroom with the largest area of 18 square。

用英语介绍中国美食如下1On traditional Chinese Dragon boat Festival,people eat zongzi to memorise the famous poet Quyuan2The zongzi is made of glutinous rice with meat balls and yolk It is very delico。

2 chef 主厨 cook 厨师 要特别注意的是,chef指的是主厨,通常是一家餐厅里管理整个厨房kitchen的人甚至是老板,chef通常都读过烹饪学校,并通常会有执照而cook则是指厨师,也就是指任。

