

qiaoqingyi 2023-05-07 378


2、Class is over The students are jumping with joy, just like runaway horses Look, some of them have left their seats and begin to play noisily They are laughing and screaming from time to time Some。

3、Class,and the students came elated games on the playgroundYou see!Some students playing football,some Tiaopi Jin,some throwing sandbags,some Diushou Juan Suddenly,the quiet playground becomes crowdedThe mo。

4、all ages Indeed, everyone living on earth is learning all the time Man learns not only from books but also from his own experience We can not hope that as long as we learn we will gain benlfits。

5、quotDing zero zeroquot The bell broke the peace of the campus, the students are like a bird flew out of the classroom, playground with their favorite activities The campus is boiling up immediately Some。

6、My tenminute break is always pleasing Sometimes I do some simple exercises Sometimes I have a free chat with my classmates or just take a walk outside When the next class begins, I feel fresh again。

7、I am a senior student,so i am very busy with a lot of homeworksBut i doesn’t concernd about that,I can take good use of my free to many fun thingsSuch as doing some reading to enlarge my。

8、写大课间的英语作文不少于五句话 每天的大课间体育活动是孩子们最快乐的时光,我们可以在打自己酷爱的篮球,摇呼啦圈,跳大绳尽情的挥洒天真烂漫在紧张的学习之余我们都很珍惜这来之不易的放松心情的时光在活动中。

9、Class is overThe students are jumping with joy,just like runaway horsesLook,some of them have left their seats and begin to play noisilyThey are laughing and screaming from time to timeSome don#39t。


11、我看到我的同学正在下课的时候玩游戏,我凑近一看,原来他们正在玩纸飞机,我再凑近看,他们得到一张白纸,先折两面,然后再将它们往外折,然后再加那外面的衬衫往外再折一次,纸飞机就做好了I saw that my classmates。

12、在学校老师会教我们许许多多的知识,让我们变得更加的聪明在学校,同学会和我们一起玩,一起学习,会让我们活得十分充实在学校,我们不会感觉到孤单,有许多朋友在我们的身边我在学校里很快乐In the school the。


13、In the classroom, some girls are talking , two students are writing A boy is asking his teacher a question On the playground,there are lots of sutdents playing sports Some boys are playing soccer some。

14、英语作文我在学校的一天时间带翻译I get to school at half past six everydayFirst is self study, i usually spend half an hour preparing my lessonsFollowed by Morning ReadingIt is often Chinese and EnglishAt about。

15、我看了电视,帮母亲洗了衣服下午,我打扫了三间卧房 我的父母的我弟弟的和我的星期天,我在公园踢了足球我去了我的祖父母的家爷爷弹钢琴!全家都是如此的快乐后来,我们想去游泳,但水太冷这就是上周末。

16、用英语描写学校的校园活动,可以针对校运会啊,还有其它的运动或者是走动的范围来写下面是我给大家整理的初一英语作文我的校园活动,供大家参阅!初一英语作文我的校园活动篇1 Our school has various activities outside。

17、我的学校有一个大操场,我们经常在这做运动 我的教室又大又干净 图书馆我们在学校里学习得很开心!我爱我的学校! 英语作文,我的学校 My school课间时候,同学们都喜欢在体育馆里玩,那儿可是个热闹场所 另外,我们的老师。
