TSA全称为Thinking Skills Assessment,即“思维能力评估”测试。主要考察学生辩证思维的能力和解决问题的能力。目前牛津大学、剑桥大学和伦敦大学学院的部分专业需要TSA成绩。
目前 TSA成绩被广泛用于牛津大学本科申请,这其中包括:
Human Sciences
Economics and Management
Land Economy
Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE)
European Social and Political Studies
Philosophy and Linguistics
Experimental Psychology
Psychology and Linguistics
Psychology and Philosophy
牛津大学的TSA考试则有两个部分。除了50道五选一的选择题部分外之外,还有一个Writing Task,考试时间为30分钟。Writing的部分一般会给出四个题目,学生只需要选择其中一个题目进行作答就可以了,字数不可超过1200 。
以下是2016年牛津大学TSA考试Writing Task真题
1. Should we care more about the survival of animal species or the welfare of individual animals?
2. Do people vote in line with their personal economic interests?
3. Is it possible to over-regulate the banking system?
4. With easy access to vast amounts of information through the Internet, what advantage is there to remembering facts?