今天 WEB 资源网为大家分享一些出自 O’Reilly 的免费的编程电子书,提供了 ePub、Mobi、PDF 三种格式供下载。想第一时间获取更多资源的朋友可以点击左上方名字关注我们即可。
软件工程1. Java
Microservices for Java Developers
Modern Java EE Design Patterns
bject-Oriented vs. Functional Programming
Java: The Legend
2. Python
A Whirlwind Tour of Python
20 Python Libraries You Aren’t Using (But Should)
Hadoop with Python
How to Make Mistakes in Python
Functional Programming in Python
Python in Education
Picking a Python Version: A Manifesto
3. 其他
Fintech, Open Source, and Emerging Markets
Practical C++ Metaprogramming
Real-World Maintainable Software
Trends Shaping the London Tech Scene
Why Rust?
C++ Today
RxJava for Android App Development
Swift Pocket Reference: Programming for iOS and OS X
Open Source in Brazil
Ten Steps to Linux Survival
Open by Design
Getting Started with InnerSource
Microservices in Production
Developing Reactive Microservices
Microservices AntiPatterns and Pitfalls
Microservices vs. Service-Oriented Architecture
Evolving Architectures of FinTech
Software Architecture Patterns
Migrating to Cloud-Native Application Architectures
Reactive Microservices Architecture