

sukai 01-20 99





  时间:18:00 - 19:30





Teachers of literature around the world are confronted with a stark reality: shrinking reading public of literature in society, and dwindling enrollment of literary majors in colleges and universities. The diminishing interest in literature is an undeniable fact recognized in both Western and Eastern literatures. In a way, as most people in society today are likely to read almost anything but literary works on iPhone, iPad, and online, we may even fear that in the foreseeable future, literary studies is likely to become an endangered species among the institutionalized academic disciplines, as Derrida somberly predicted in the 1980s. The apocalyptic vision imagined by Derrida has not yet come true, but the "technological regime of telecommunications" has already prompted many thinkers and scholars to speculate on the present-day fate and future of literature. Some of them have raised these thought-provoking questions: Is literature today what it used to be? Is it able to survive in the age of telecommunication? Is what we have taken for granted as literary being migrating from literary works to virtual spaces generated by computers, iPads, iPhones, Twitter, WeChat, Blogs, and online websites? Whatever answers one may provide, the reality is that literature in its traditional sense is being challenged and is struggling for survival in schools, colleges, and society. It is under these not so rosy circumstances for literary studies that Dr. Ming Dong Gu was invited by J. Hillis Miller to read his newly co-authored book, Thinking Literature across Continents (Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2016) and participate in discussing the fate of literature in our time. Inspired by the book, Dr. Gu offers his own observations on the current conditions of literature and suggests practical strategies to cope with the predicament faced by literary studies in the age of globalization and telecommunication.



伦敦大学和芝加哥大学博士,美国达拉斯得州大学中国文学和比较文学教授 ,英国《泰晤士报》世界大学排名学术声誉评议人之一,美国《诺顿理论与批评选》特別顾问。研究方向为英美文学、中国文学、比较文学、比较思想及中西文化比较研究。著有英文专著3部:(1) Sinologism: An Alternative to Orientalism and Postcolonialism(Routledge Press 2013,米勒教授作序,商务印书馆2015年中文版),(2)Chinese Theories of Reading and Writing (SUNY Press 2005),(3)Chinese Theories of Fiction (SUNY Press 2006),英文编著一部:Translating China for Western Readers: Reflective, Critical, Practical Essays (SUNY Press 2014)。中文专著一部《原创的焦虑:语言、文学、文化研究的多元途径》(南京大学出版社2009年版,李泽厚先生作序),中文编译著多部。发表中英文论文一百多篇,大部分发表于国内核心期刊和国外主流学刊,国内期刊有《文学评论》,《文艺理论研究》、《北京大学学报》、《南京大学学报》、《中山大学学报》、《清华大学学报》、《北京师范大学学报》、《当代外国文学》、《外国文学》、《跨文化对话》、《中国比较文学》、《外语教学与研究》、《外国语》等,其中《人大复印资料》全文复印10余篇,《新华文摘》、《中国社会科学文摘》、《高校文摘》转摘达10余篇次。国外学刊包括:《新文学史》(New Literary History),《今日诗学》(Poetics Today),《叙事学》(Narrative),《叙事理论》(Journal of Narrative Theory)、《精神分析季刊》(Psychoanalytic Quarterly),《辨析批评》(Diacritics),《东西方哲学》(Philosophy East West),《亚洲哲学》(Asian Philosophy),《比较文学》(Comparative Literature),《比较文学研究》(Comparative Literature Studies),《加拿大比较文学研究》(Canadian Review of Comparative Literature),《比较文学年刊》(Yearbook of Comparative Literature)、《比较文学与文化》(Comparative Literature and Culture)、《现代语言季刊》(Modern Language Quarterly),《翻译研究》(Translation Review)等。其中30篇收入《艺术与人文科学索引》(Arts and Humanities Citation Index)或《社会科学索引》(Social Sciences Citation Index)。
