

qiaoqingyi 2023-10-23 101


  Travel Accounts

  You should spend about 20 minutes on Question 14-26 which are based on Reading Passage below.

  A There are many reasons why individuals have traveled beyond their own societies. Some travelers may have simply desired to satisfy curiosity about the larger world. Until recent times, however, trade, business dealings, diplomacy, political administration, military campaigns, exile, flight from persecution, migration, pilgrimage, missionary efforts, and the quest for economic or educational opportunities were more common inducements for foreign travel than was mere curiosity. While the travelers' accounts give much valuable information on these foreign lands and provide a window for the understanding of the local cultures and histories, they arc also a mirror to the travelers themselves, for these accounts help them to have a better understanding of themselves.

  B Records of foreign travel appeared soon after the invention of writing, and fragmentary travel accounts appeared in both Mesopotamia and Egypt in ancient times. After the formation of large, imperial states in the classical world, travel accounts emerged as a prominent literary genre in many lands, and they held especially strong appeal for rulers desiring useful knowledge about their realms. The Greek historian Herodotus reported on his travels in Egypt and Anatolia in researching the history of the Persian wars. The Chinese envoy Zhang Qian described much of central Asia as far west as Bacteria (modern-day Afghanistan) on the basis of travels undertaken in the first century BC while searching for allies for the Han dynasty. Hellenistic and Roman geographers such as Ptolemy, Strabo, and Pliny the Elder relied on their own travels through much of the Mediterranean world as well as reports of other travelers to compile vast compendia of geographical knowledge.

  C During the postclassical era(about 500 to 1500 CE), trade and pilgrimage emerged as major incentives for travel to foreign lands. Muslim merchants sought trading opportunities throughout much of the eastern hemisphere. They described lands, peoples, and commercial products of the Indian Ocean basin from east Africa to Indonesia, and they supplied the first written accounts of societies in sub-Saharan west Africa. While merchants set out in search of trade and profit, devout Muslims traveled as pilgrims to Mecca to make their hajj and visit the holy sites of Islam. Since the prophet Muhammad's original pilgrimage to Mecca, untold millions of Muslims have followed his example, and thousands of hajj accounts have related their experiences One of the best known Muslim travelers. Ibn Battuta, began his travels with the hajj but then went on to visit central Asia, India, China, sub-Saharan Africa, and parts of Mediterranean Europe before returning finally to his home in Morocco Fast Asian traveler; were not quite so prominent as Muslims during the postclaaical era, but they too followed many of the highway* and sea lanes of the eastern hemisphere. Chinese merchants frequently visited southeast Asia and India, occasionally venturing even to east Africa, and devout Fast Asian Buddhists undertook distant pilgrimages Between the 5th and 9th centuries CE, hundreds and possibly even thousands of Chinese Buddhists traveled to India to study with Buddhist teachers, collect sacred texts, and visit holy sites. Written accounts recorded the experiences of many pilgrims, such as Faxian, Xuanzang, and Yijing. Though not so numerous as the Chinese pilgrims, Buddhists from Japan. Korea, and other lands also ventured abroad in the interests of spiritual enlightenment.

  D Medieval Europeans did not hit the roads in such large numbers as their Muslim and east Asian counterparts during the early part of the postclassical era, although gradually increasing crowds of Christian pilgrims flowed to Jerusalem, Rome, Santiago de Compostela (in northern Spam), and other sites. After the 12th century, however, merchants, pilgrims, and missionaries from medieval Europe traveled widely and left numerous travel accounts, of which Marco Polo's deion of his travels and sojourn in China is the best known. As they became familiar with the larger world of the eastern hemisphere and the profitable commercial opportunities that it offered - European peoples worked to find new and more direct routes to Asian and African markets Their efforts took them not only to all parts of the eastern hemisphere, but eventually to the Americas and Oceania as well.

  E If Muslim and Chinese peoples dominated travel and travel writing in postclassical limes, European explorers, conquerors, merchants, and missionaries took center stage during the early modern era (about 1500 to 1800 CE). By no means did Muslim and Chinese travel come to a halt in early modem times But European peoples ventured to the distant corners of the globe, and European printing presses churned out thousands of travel accounts that described foreign lands and peoples for a reading public with an apparently insatiable appetite for news about the larger world. The volume of travel literature was so great that several editors, including Giambattista Ramusio, Richard Hakluyt, Theodore de Bry, and Samuel Purchas, assembled numerous travel accounts and made them available in enormous published collections.

  FDuring the 19th century, European travelers made their way to the interior regions of Africa and the Americas, generating a fresh round of travel writing as they did so Meanwhile, European colonial administrators devoted numerous writings to the societies of their colonial subjects, particularly in Asian and African colonies they established. By midcentury, attention was flowing also in the other direction. Painfully aware of the military and technological prowess of European and Euro-American societies, Asian travelers in particular visited Europe and the United States in hopes of discovering principles useful for the reorganization of their own societies. Among the most prominent of these travelers who made extensive use of their overseas observations and experiences in their own writings were the Japanese reformer Fukuzawa Yukichi and the Chinese revolutionary Sun Yat-sen.

  G With the development of inexpensive and reliable means of mass transport, the 20th century witnessed explosions both in the frequency of long-distance travel and in the volume of travel writing. While a great deal of travel took place for reasons of business, administration, diplomacy, pilgrimage, and missionary work, as in ages past, increasingly effective modes of mass transport made it possible for new kinds of travel to flourish. The most distinctive of them was mass tourism, which emerged as a major form of consumption for individuals living in the world's wealthy societies. Tourism enabled consumers to get away from home to see the sights in Rome, take a cruise through the Caribbean, walk the Great Wall of China, visit some wineries in Bordeaux, or go on safari in Kenya. A peculiar variant of the travel account arose to meet the needs of these tourists: the guidebook, which offered advice on food, lodging, shopping, local customs, and all the sights that visitors should not miss seeing. Tourism has had a massive economic impact throughout the world, but other new forms of travel have also had considerable influence in contemporary times. Recent times have seen unprecedented waves of migration, for example, and numerous migrants have sought to record their experiences and articulate their feelings about life in foreign lands. Recent times have also seen an unprecedented development of ethnic consciousness, and many are the intellectuals and writers in diaspora who have visited the homes of their ancestors to see how much of their forebears' values and cultural traditions they themselves have inherited. Particularly notable among their accounts are the memoirs of Malcolm X and Maya Angelou describing their visits to Africa.

  Questions 28-35

  Complete the table now.

  Write No More Than Two Words from the Reading Passage 3 for each answer.

  Write your answer in boxes 28-35 on your answer sheet.





  Classical era

  Egypt and Anatolia


  To obtain

  information on29

  Roman Empire


  Ptolemy, Strabo,

  Pliny the Elder

  To gather31

  5thto 9,hcenturies



  Asian Buddhists

  To study with

  33 they


  By the mid-century

  of the 1800s

  Europe and United


  Sun Yat-scn,

  Fukuzawa Yukichi

  To learn35countries

  For entertainment

  Questions 36-40

  Choose the correct letter, A, B, C, or D.

  Write your answers in boxes 36-40 on your answer sheet

  36 Why did some people travel in the early days?

  A. to do research on themselves

  B. to write travel books

  C. to have a better understanding of other people and places

  D. to study local culture

  37 The travelers' accounts arc a mirror to themselves,

  A. because they help them to be aware of local histories.

  B. because travelers are curious about the world.

  C. because travelers could do more research on the unknown.

  D. because they reflect the writers' own experience and social life.

  38 Most of the people who went to holy sites during the early part of postclassical era are


  A. Europeans.

  B. Muslim and East Asians.

  C. Americans.

  D. Greeks.

  39 During the early modern era, a large number of travel books were published

  A. to provide what the public wants.

  B. to encourage the public's feedback.

  C. to gain profit.

  D. to prompt trips to the new world.

  40 What stimulated the market for traveling in the 20th century

  A. the wealthy

  B. travel books

  C. delicious food

  D. mass transport

  文章题目:Travel Accounts












  Question 28-35

  题目类型:Complete the table below



  HerodotusB段第3句这道题需要找出历史人物旅行的目的,那么只要对应到相应的人物,找出对人物的描述,就可以找到答案。Herodotus旅行的目的是in searching of the history of the Persian Wars.

  所以答案是: Persian Wars

  29Zhang QianB段第4句找出B段关于张骞的叙述就可以看出他旅行的目的,Zhang Qian described much of..... while searching for allies for the Han Dynasty

  所以答案是: allies

  30Roman Empire

  Ptolemy, Strabo, Pliny the ElderB段最后一句这三个人物堆积在一起找出对应点还是相对明显的,这三个地理学家的目的是to compile vast compendia of geographical knowledge

  所以答案是: geographical knowledge


  MuslimsC段第1句以及第4句C段第1句对后古典主义时期的旅游目的进行了总体概括,可以看出trade and pilgrimage; 后文对穆斯林的情况进行具体描述,第4句承上启下解释了除了经商之外,他们还有朝圣的目的

  所以答案为: pilgrimage

  325th to 9th centuries

  Asian BuddhistsC段倒数第3句C段倒数第3句描述了公元5-9世纪之间,很多中国佛教徒前往印度向佛教高僧求教,收集经文,并拜访佛教圣地

  因此答案为: Buddhist teachers


  Colonial administratorF段第2句欧洲殖民主义者向其殖民地发放大量关于殖民地情况的游记


  34Sun Yat-sen,

  Fukuzawa YukichiF段最后两句最后两句说明了亚洲旅行者特别访问了欧洲和美国,希望发现适用于重组自己社会的有用准则,特别是日本改革家Fukuzawa Yukichi 和中国革命先驱孙中山


  3520th Century

  Mass tourismG段第3句G段描述了20世纪新型旅行蓬勃发展,其中最独特的是大众旅行Mass tourism, 这已经成为世界上富裕人士的一个主要消费形式,这道题目答案需要填写进行mass tourism的人群


  Question 36-40

  题目类型:Choose the correct letter, A,B,C or D


  36Why travelA段题目询问一些人早起旅行的原因,对于原因的整体介绍在A段,根据A段的介绍,排除A和B,而C和D两个选项对应到A段最后一句,可以看出C更加完整


  37mirror to themselvesA段最后一句最后一句说旅行游记是旅行者的镜子是因为游记使得他们更加了解自己。结合ABC三个选项,分别说原因是了解当地历史,对世界很好奇以及他们应该多对未知事物进行研究,这些答案都不对,只有D是提及因为反映了自身的一些情况。


  38the early part of postclassical eraD段第1句话D段第一句话总结了C段大体的旅行者情况,直接可以看到B选项的人群


  39Early modern eraE段倒数第2句这句话指出欧洲印刷出了成千上万的旅行游记,为对外面世界有强烈求知欲的读者描述异国的情况


  4020th century

  What stimulatedG段第1句G段第1句指出随着便宜可靠的交通方式发展,20世纪见证了长途旅行的蓬勃发展






  C在后古典主义时期(约公元500年到1500年),贸易和朝圣成为人们去异国旅行的主要诱因。穆斯林商人在东半球的大部分地方寻求交易机会。他们斤 述了印度洋盆地的上地,人民,和商业产品,他们从东非写到印尼,并提供了撒哈拉以南的非洲西部社会的最初书面记录。当商人出发寻找贸易和利润的 时候,虔诚的穆斯林前往麦加朝圣,朝拜伊斯兰教的圣地。向从先知穆罕默德 首次去麦加朝圣之后,数不清的穆斯林教徒跟着他的步伐,并留下了成千上万 的有关他们麦加朝圣经历的游记。其中一个最苦名的穆斯林旅行者,伊本,白 图泰,以麦加开始了他的朝圣旅行,接着访问了中亚、印度、中国、撒哈拉以 南的非洲,和部分欧洲的地中海地丙,最后回到他的家乡摩洛哥。与穆斯林相 比,后古典主义时期东亚的旅行者则不那么突出,但他们也走了东半球的许多 大道和海上航线。中国商人经常访问东南亚和印度,偶尔甚至去东非冒险,而虔诚的东亚佛教徒则开启了遥远的朝圣之旅。公园5-9世纪之间,数以百计,甚至数以千计的中国佛教徒前往印度向佛教高僧求学、收集经文,并拜访佛教圣地。书面游记记录了很多朝圣者的经历,比如法显、玄奘和义净。虽然日本、韩国、和其他国家的朝圣者没有中国那么多,但他们也出国朝圣,寻求精神上的启蒙。

  D中世纪欧洲人,在古典主义时期早期,并没有像穆斯林和东亚佛教徒那样,有如此大量的旅行者,虽然前往耶路撤冷、罗马、圣地亚哥德孔波斯特拉 (西班牙北部)和其他圣地的季度圣古人群逐渐增加。然而,12世纪后,中世纪欧洲商人和传教上、朝圣者开始人规模的游历,并留下很多旅行游记,这当中马可波罗在中国的游记是最出名的了。当他们开始熟悉了东半球更大的世界的和它有利可图图的商业机会后,欧洲人开始努力寻找新的和更宵接的通往亚洲和非洲市场的的航线。他们的努力不仅把他们带到了东半球的所有国家,还最终到了美洲和大洋洲。

  E如果说在后古典主义时期,穆斯林和中闲人主导了旅游和旅行游记,那么在近现代初期(大约公元1500-1800年)欧洲探险家、征服者、商人和传教士占据了舞台中心。穆斯林和中国人的旅行在近现代初期并没有停止。但欧洲人则去世界上更遥远的角落进行探险,欧洲印刷出了成千上万的旅行游记,为对外面世界有着强烈求知欲的广大读者描述了异国的土地和人民。旅游文学的数量是如此庞大,以至于包括詹巴蒂斯塔拉莫西奥、理查德喑克卢特、 西奥多德塞谬尔珀切斯在内的一些编者收集了大量的旅行游记,并将它们大量出版。

  F19世纪,欧洲的旅游者前往非洲和美洲的内陆地区,并创作了新一轮的游记作品。与此同时,欧洲殖民主义者向其殖民地的臣民,特别是他们在亚洲和非洲建立的殖民地发放了大量的游记。到19世纪中叶,人们的注意力也开始转向其它方面。当痛苦地意识到欧洲和欧美社会的军事和科技实力时,亚洲旅行者特别访问了欧洲和美国,希望发现适用于重组自己社会的有用准则。在游记中广泛使用自身的海外观察和经历的旅行者中,最著名的是日本改革家Fukuzawa Yukichi和中国革命先驱孙中山。

  G随着便宜可靠的交通方式的发展,20世纪见证了长途旅行的快速发展和游记的增多。当人们的旅行,像过去一样,市委了商业。行政、外交、朝圣和传教工作,越来越多的高效公共交通模式也是的新型旅游蓬勃发展成为了可能。其中,最独特的是大众旅游,这已成为世界上富裕人士的一个主要消费形式。旅可以使消费者远离故土,到罗马看风景、乘船通过加勒比海、攀登中国的长城、参观波尔多的酒厂,或者去肯尼亚旅行,为了满足这些游客,一种奇特的旅行游记出现了:那就是旅游指南,它提供了一些关于食物、住宿、 购物、当地风俗和所有游客不该错过的景点的建议。在世界范围内,旅游收入对经济产生了巨大的影响,但其他新形式的旅游在当代也有相当大的影响力。例如,近些时期,前所未有的一波又一波移民出现了,众多的移民者试图记录他们的经历并说出自己对生活在异国的感受。与此同时,民族意识也得到了空前的发展,许多离放的知识分子和作家拜访了他们祖先的家园,看看他们继承了多少前辈们的价值观和文化传统。在他们的游记中尤其显著的足马尔科姆埃克斯和玛雅安吉楼的回忆录,其中描述了他们对非洲的拜访。


  Version 32203 主题 游记

  28Persian wars29allies30geographical knowledge

  31pilgrimage32Buddhist teachers33colonies




